Sensor Zebra M-300-P



Zebra M-300-P advanced electronic temperature sensor allows on demand monitoring using smartphones and other Bluetooth devices. With the Edgevue application, it is possible to easily configure temperature preferences, such as ranges and alarms. You can monitor the truck temperature, containers and transit packaging. It has a compact design, IP40 protection for variable environments and magnetic mount to place it inside containers. It has three LEDs that indicate the state of alarm, battery and programming. It has an external temperature probe for extreme environments (-200 to +200 ° C). The lasting lithium battery can be replaced and has a memory for 16,000 records.

Od 535,07 zł

Nazwa produktu
  • Wysyłka jeszcze dzisiaj: dla zamówień złożonych przed 14:30
  • Przydzielony ekspert: zindywidualizowana obsługa
  • Bezpieczna dostawa: pracujemy z największumi firmami spedycyjnymi

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