Czytnik kodów Datalogic QW2400



The QuickScan Lite QW2400 2D area imager is an entry level scanner specifically designed for reading long and truncated 1D codes and larger 2D codes from close distance. The QW2400 imager has an extra-wide Field of View (FOV) to capture challenging 1D and 2D codes at a nominal distance using different scan angles, meeting the scanning needs in Retail, Light Manufacturing, Document/Bill Processing and Banking/Finance. The QuickScan Lite 2D imager is the most affordable area imager with the best performance in its class.
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Zobacz więcej modeli
  • Wysyłka jeszcze dzisiaj: dla zamówień złożonych przed 14:30
  • Przydzielony ekspert: zindywidualizowana obsługa
  • Bezpieczna dostawa: pracujemy z największumi firmami spedycyjnymi

Modele z Czytnik kodów Datalogic QW2400:

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Czytnik kodów Datalogic QW2400 polecane akcesoria:

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